How to Talk to Your Teen About Sexting
REF. to:
- Some teenagers send sexually explicit messages to flirt with someone they like.
- In other cases, a girl sends an explicit photo of herself because she is pressured by a boy to do so.
- Sometimes a boy will mass forward an explicit photo of a girl either to entertain his friends or to retaliate after a breakup.
Whatever the cause, a teenager armed with a cell phone can get into a lot of trouble. “In the click of a button,” says the book CyberSafe, “lives are changed forever.”
Many people fail to realize that once a photo
goes into cyberspace, the sender loses control over how the photo will
be used. In one case, reports a bulletin from the U.S. Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI), an 18-year-old girl “committed suicide after a
nude photo she had transmitted via her cell phone to her boyfriend also
was sent to hundreds of teenagers in her school. Other students, who
apparently continued to forward the image, allegedly harassed the girl.”
Sexting also raises legal issues. In some
places, for example, minors who have sent sexually explicit images to
other minors have been charged with child-pornography offenses and have
been required to register as sex offenders. As a parent, you too can be
held liable if your name is on the cell-phone contract or if you fail to
take measures to prevent your child from sexting.
Set clear rules: Although you cannot fully control your teenager’s cell-phone use, you can make sure that he or she knows your rules —as
well as the consequences for breaking those rules. Remember, too, that
as a parent, you have the right to monitor your teenager’s cell phone. —Bible principle: Ephesians 6:1.
Help your teenager to reason on the problem: You could say: “There are many opinions as to what constitutes sexting. How would you define
the term?” “What kinds of photos do you think are inappropriate?” “In
some places the law considers a minor who sends a nude photo of a minor
to be guilty of a crime. Do you think it’s that bad?” “Why
would sexting be morally wrong?” Listen carefully to his or her
reasoning, and help your teenager to think beyond the send button. —Bible principle: Hebrews 5:14.
Think beyond the send button
Present hypothetical scenarios: You
could say to your daughter: “Suppose a girl is being pressured by a boy
to ‘sext’ him. What should she do? Give in so that she does not lose
the friendship? Refuse the request but flirt with him anyway? End the
relationship? Tell an adult?” Help your daughter to reason on the
matter. Of course, you can use a similar approach with a son. —Bible principle: Galatians 6:7.
Appeal to your teenager’s sense of goodness: Ask
questions such as these: How important to you is a good reputation?
What traits do you want to be known for? How would you feel about
yourself if you humiliated someone by forwarding an inappropriate
picture? How would you feel if you took a stand for what is right? Help
your teen to “hold a good conscience.” —1 Peter 3:16.
Set the example yourself: The Bible says that godly wisdom is chaste and free from hypocrisy. (James 3:17)
Do your values reflect those words? “We need to set good examples
ourselves and not view images and Web sites that could be viewed as
unsavory or illegal,” says the book CyberSafe.
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