Wine is a ridiculer, alcohol is unruly; Whoever goes astray by them
is not wise. Says Proverbs 20:1
There are serious consequences that results from over indulgence in
the use of alcoholic beverages, such as; serious ailments
, harm to the unborn, financial problems, family upheavals
just to mention few
Many people today find it so difficult to agree to these facts and
continue in over indulgence with all jocundity, forgetting the problems associated
with it both physically and spiritually (in the sight of our God Jehovah)
What Does the Bible Say About It?
The Bible did made mention
of the happiness that is associated with drinking wine in a moderate and
unselfish way.
Ecclesiastes states 9:7 “Go, eat your food with rejoicing, and drink your wine with a cheerful
heart, for already the true God has found pleasure in your works.” Wine is
also medicinal just as the Apostle Paul told Timothy at 1Timothy 5:23 to drink
water any longer, but use a little wine
for the sake of his stomach and his frequent cases of sickness.
Many people resort in
quoting Paul’s admonitions to Timothy as a support for their injudicious us of
alcoholic liquor, whereas Paul stressed the point out “use a little wine”
because he knows the problems that can arise as a result of over drinking.
It is very vital that all
should know that the Bible gave a clear warning about the bad results and
consequences in alcohol. Proverbs 23:20,21 states: “Do not come to be
among heavy drinkers of wine, among those who are gluttonous eaters of flesh.
For a drunkard and a glutton will come to poverty.”
God through His prophet Isaiah declared “Woe to those who get up
early in the morning to drink alcohol, Who linger late into the evening
darkness until wine inflames them!”
The Bible does not condemn the use or drinking of alcoholic
beverages. What it condemns is over indulgence or excessive drinking and
It will be wise for us to follow the bible principles closely not
falling astray from the standpoint of God.
Following Jesus’ examples as our role model is a very good thing
for us to do.
For more Bible info please visit here